19 August 2020

Snapshots from our pilot analysis: What’s behind conflict stakeholders’ positions?

When leveraging the potential of machine learning (ML) tools for peace mediation, we are particularly interested in applications that enable meaningful analysis of unstructured text-data. Many available applications – including sentiment analysis – have their origins in for-profit use cases, and particularly, the advertisement industry. These tools may be well suited for automated tasks of…

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06 July 2020

Designing Digital Inclusion Project Report Published

The final report of the Designing Digital Inclusion Project, conducted in 2019 at the Graduate Institute, has now been published. While the report does not explicitly discuss Artificial Intelligence, it provides important background information on the emerging pratice of digital inclusion in the peace mediation field. Have a a look here.

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17 June 2020

Why Machine-supported Analysis Matters for Digital Inclusion

Until recently, mediators tended to think about their work as a "human-centered" activity. Facilitating negotiations between conflict parties was something that would occur predominantly offline – ideally, behind closed doors and in a technology-free environment. The 2020 global COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed this view. Due to lockdowns and global travel restrictions, many mediators and…

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11 May 2020

Arguing for Peace? What Argument Analysis Can Offer to Peace Mediation

The peace mediation literature seems to have relatively little to say about arguments. A quick google scholar search with keywords such as “mediation” and “arguments” or “arguing” does not yield a single match that would be relevant to the mediation of armed conflicts. Research on mediation seems more concerned with understanding factors that could impact mediation efforts, such as conflict type…

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20 April 2020

Share your insights!

The research team is currently conducting a needs assessment among mediators and mediation experts. Please get in touch if you would like to provide your insights and ideas!

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20 April 2020

CCDP joins the Cybermediation Network

In April 2020, the Centre on Conflict Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP) joined the Cybermediation Network. The CDDP will be represented by Andreas Hirblinger. The Network succeeds the CyberMediationInitiative, which comprised the United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD), DiploFoundation, and swisspeace. In addition to these…

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20 April 2020

Project website launched!!

We are happy to see our project website online! In the next weeks and months, we will use this space to share important updates and insights, as well as announce opportunities for collaboration!

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